Submarine Cables & Landings

Explore the Submarine Cables and Landings dataset with detailed key insights into cable routes, landing stations, lengths, owners, and operational data. This information empowers users in operations management, network planning, and competitive analysis.

Request a Demo: Submarine Data

Submarine Cables and Landings provide a view of the undersea communication connecting countries and continents. GeoTel’s submarine dataset offers information about the cable’s name, landing stations, length, owner, service readiness, and contact information. The associated landings have less marine traffic and are, therefore, great locations to connect fiber options betweeen continents.

Submarine Cables & Landings Image
Submarine Cables & Landings Image

How Submarine Cables and Landings Are Utilized

Submarine Cables and Landings have become irreplaceable components of the global economy. GeoTel’s Submarine Cables and Landings dataset offers information such as cable ownership and locations. Service providers and other users can pinpoint access control points, develop contingency plans for emergency preparedness, and enhance cable operational security.

Benefits of Submarine Cable Landings

  • Operations Management Analysis:

    • Understand submarine cable vulnerabilities
    • Mitigate national security risks
  • Network Planning:

    • Address at-risk and low-latency locations
    • Optimize network planning strategies
  • Competitive Analysis and Asset Valuation:

    • Gain insights into competitive landscapes
    • Valuate assets for strategic decision-making

Global Submarine Cable Networks in GIS & SaaS

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