Fiber to Data Centers: Enhancing Data Center Performance
The Under Looked Component of Telecom
When people hear about, or even see, from various sources what the telecom industry is all about, the perceptions of fiber optic cable, bandwidth, network connectivity, televisions, smartphones, tablets, and other forms of wireless devices often come to mind. It is...
GIS Apps Leveraging Optimal Source Code
In the world of GIS apps, there are many technological components that drive the products and services offered by various vendors. It comes from both a hardware and a software perspective. For example, as we have reviewed in other postings, there are some companies...
The Telecom Forecasts for 2016
As we approach the New Year of 2016, there is one thing we know for sure: The race to the White House and the upcoming presidential elections will be show stopper, not just here in the United States, but in the rest of the world, as well. Given the heated...
Low Cost Internet Access Coming to You
With the holiday season upon us, there is no doubt that our gift giving budgets will be stretched to the maximum. Of course, we will try to get the greatest value possible for the dollars we spend. However, the idea of watching one’s budget does not only happen around...
The Tools of GIS Manage Wastewater Flow
As we close out this year with our series of GIS blogs, we have covered a lot of content. Primarily, we examined and profiled numerous companies and vendors, along with many of the cutting edge products and solutions they offer to their clients. These have ranged...
The Cloud is Now Making its Way to GIS
There is one truth to life today, and that is our lives will always be filled with information and data. It can have an impact on people on both a personal and professional level. For instance, with the advent of social media, we can now get access to many forms of...

Cox Communications Set to Exceed $2 Billion
As we approach the very end of 2015, a number of key business headlines are still making news. One of the first topics at hand is whether the federal reserve will increase interest rates this month. Opinion about this is divided amongst financial experts, but the...
How GIS Can be used to Bring down Your Heating Bill
Here we are, with the holiday season fast approaching. Following right behind, the world will be celebrating the start of a new year--2016. It is simply astonishing how time seems to goes by so quickly. Aside from the winter holidays, the winter season tends to be...

Facebook Anticipated to Join the Telecom Industry
By this time, we all have heard of social media tools. Whether we like them or not, we pretty much use them every day in order to communicate with our family, friends, and even our co-workers. Today, there are literally hundreds of social media tools available. This...