The Latest in Telecom and Location-Based Insights

Explore our blog for the most relevant news in the world of telecom, location-based intelligence, and data-driven insights.

Introducing Majorana 1: The World’s Most Powerful Quantum Chip

Introducing Majorana 1: The World’s Most Powerful Quantum Chip

After two decades in the making, Microsoft has recently unveiled the Majorana 1 quantum chip, marking a significant advancement in the field of quantum computing. Featuring a novel topological core […]
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GIS and Cybersecurity

GIS and Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is a growing concern for government entities. As the world becomes more digital, securing information online becomes a necessity. GIS and cybersecurity applied together, can benefit almost any organization. There have been more and more cyber-attacks in...

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The Bid for Boeing’s Cloud Infrastructure

The Bid for Boeing’s Cloud Infrastructure

According to multiple sources, the aerospace giant, Boeing, has cloud companies competing to win the bid for its cloud infrastructure. Amazon, Google, and Microsoft – three of the largest cloud computing companies in the world are supposedly all attempting to secure...

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Data Center Operators Are Fighting Against Pollution

Data Center Operators Are Fighting Against Pollution

Review the latest efforts in making it easier for data center operators to make facilities greener. Three tech giants are providing free patents for data center operators to increase the rate at which environment-friendly technologies are adopted. Facebook, Hewlett...

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Crowdsourced GIS Data and the Bystander Effect

Crowdsourced GIS Data and the Bystander Effect

There is an internet phenomenon affecting Crowdsourced GIS Data. Crowdsourced GIS data has been a staple in the online geospatial community for the past decade. When data is crowdsourced, it derives from various third-party contributors. These contributors can range...

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How to Find the Best Fiber Maps

How to Find the Best Fiber Maps

Due to our highly connected world, telecommunication information is becoming more essential every day. More and more companies and even individuals are searching for the best fiber maps they can find. The fiber internet is connecting cities to buildings to the device...

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Telecom GIS Data for Real Estate

Telecom GIS Data for Real Estate

Similar to real estate, GIS is all about “location, location, location.” GIS data is designed to capture, manage, and display geographical information about specific sites to be used for informed decision making. Therefore, Telecommunications infrastructure data in a GIS format helps commercial real estate professionals.

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