GPS Technology Is Making Headway to Ensure Safety

When one thinks about the field of GIS, the images of maps, landmarks, mile markers, land terrains, highways, roads, etc., often come to mind. But GIS has quickly evolved into other areas, such as developing drones to capture information and data in real time and even creating the latest satellite technologies to capture both longitudinal and latitudinal images of the earth straight from outer space.

But there is a new subfield evolving. It is known as Global Positioning System, or GPS for short. Sure, we have all, most likely, heard of this before. Probably the most popular use of this technology is in using the Smartphone mobile app to find your way when you are making a road trip.

Actually, GPS technology has its originations and roots here in the United States. The first true GPS system was developed back in 1978, when the first satellite was launched. Today, the current GPS system consists of 31 satellites, which covers the entire span of the globe.

However, apart from providing directions, GPS technology is now being used by all types of businesses and organizations here in the United States. For example, one of the biggest applications is that of company based vehicle tracking. One of the pioneers in this emerging GIS field is a business entity known as V-tech GPS. They have created new and innovative services which cut across two distinct platforms:

  • The Vehicle Tracker. This is an advanced technology whereby one can quickly ascertain the location of a vehicle in real time, even including its arrival and departure times from a business.
  • The Personal Tracker. This is a highly specialized type of GPS technology which can actually be attached to a person. With this, people can be tracked by their families in order to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the person who is on the move.

This GIS vendor has even created GPS based solutions which can be used to track pets, very young children, and even those in the senior citizen age group.

GeoTel is a telecommunications research and GIS mapping firm that researches and provides telecom datasets for more than 5,500 cities in the United States and worldwide. GeoTel’s expertise includes specialists in economic geography, geospatial engineering, web GIS, and telecommunications GIS Data infrastructure.

