100G Speed Is In Comcast’s Future

It has become ingrained into American society, and as a result, it has become part of our belief system: We are want everything right now!!! This thinking stems from all the activities in which we engage, whether it is in our professional or our personal lives. For example, in our professional lives, if we are up for an annual job review and know that we are going to get a raise, we want the meeting right now so we’ll know how much more we’ll be making. We utterly despise it when the boss says they have to postpone that particular meeting.

In terms of our personal lives, this mindset occurs most frequently when we are shopping for products and services, especially during Black Friday and the holidays (which, by the way, are not too far away). Another example of wanting it all right now comes in the form of our Internet access. We want that connection and our web browser to be available the very second we ask for it. When it doesn’t happen, we are gripped by fear until we are back online.

As much as the telecom giants are advocating for much faster speeds and even more blazing access to the Internet, the truth is that they appear to be in no rush to actually offer these brand new services. One example of this is Comcast.

Comcast announced, just last week, that they plan to offer 100G into its gargantuan network, but, at the same time, they also claimed that they is going to take their own sweet time in making this easily accessible to their customers. A major part of the reason for this is that implementing this type of elaborate network is actually quite complex to achieve. According to Mannan Venkatesan, a senior network engineer at Comcast, “The problem with these three different topologies is that you have different teams designing, building and managing these topologies. To make each topology simple, you add a 10G link between two different sites and you’re adding a lambda over multiple transport rings from A to Z using the ROADM technology.”

To make sure it does it right the first time with no major issues to be faced by the customer, Comcast will be implementing this new 100G service in a slow, phased-in approach.

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