The Latest in Telecom and Location-Based Insights

Explore our blog for the freshest news and insights in the world of telecom, location-based intelligence, and data-driven decision-making.
Fiber to Data Centers: Enhancing Data Center Performance

Fiber to Data Centers: Enhancing Data Center Performance

In an age where data is essential to nearly every industry, the infrastructure that supports its seamless flow is critical. With the AI boom and technology advancing at warp speeds, […]
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Fiber Optics Revenue Grows by 50 Billion in 2013

Fiber Optics Revenue Grows by 50 Billion in 2013

While everything may feel like mobile data is the future, fixed broadband and fiber optics will continue to play a vital role. For operators, fixed networks and backhaul networks help accommodate traffic growth, with 45 percent of total mobile data traffic being...

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New Report Suggest Increased Fiber Optic Revenue

New Report Suggest Increased Fiber Optic Revenue

Consumers constantly call for higher bandwidth and increased signal rates, making service providers feel like they can never keep up with demand. Due to this, investors are pouring money into technology and equipment research to overcome the challenge. In just a few...

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Portland May Subsidize Gigabit Fiber

Portland May Subsidize Gigabit Fiber

In the fiber optic, high-speed world, it seems all everyone wants to talk about is gigabit connectivity. Most often, this means Google Fiber. As the Internet giant expands more and more into being a service provider, cities throughout the country work to lure in the...

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Rural Kansas Going Fiber

Rural Kansas Going Fiber

With fewer than 10,000 residents and situated more than 120 miles outside of Kansas City is the small city of Chanute, Kansas. With their remote and rural location, city officials realized a fiber-optic network could put Chanute ahead of other similarly sized cities...

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How Chattanooga Became ‘Gig City’

Chattanooga might not be the first city one thinks of as a booming technology metropolis, but this Tennessee city has what analysts and city officials’ claim is the first and fastest ultra high-speed broadband connection, according to a recent article in the New York...

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Georgia County Searches for Buried Fiber

Much of the nation’s fiber-optic network was laid during the 1990s and early 2000s. Demand did not materialize as rapidly as expected, which resulted in billions, possibly trillions of dollars of unused fiber-optic cable buried across America. This fiber graveyard...

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Fiber Optic Showdown

Since Google Fiber launched in Kansas City, Kansas in March 2011, cities across the country have tried to lure in the Internet giant. By offering blazing fast Internet connectivity, it leaves customers throughout the U.S. craving the one-gigabit speeds. This past...

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The Fiber Gap is Shrinking, Slowly

Vertical Systems Group, a Massachusetts-based company committed to providing in-depth analysis and statistics on business data network services, recently released its findings showing that 3 percent more businesses in the United States have a fiber-optic network...

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Telecom Top Factor in Real Estate Investments

In early April, the Urban Land Institute and EY released its annual report: Infrastructure 2014: Shaping the Competitive City. The report showed that telecommunications infrastructure is one of the top factors influencing real estate decisions around the world. Urban...

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