The Latest in Telecom and Location-Based Insights

Explore our blog for the freshest news and insights in the world of telecom, location-based intelligence, and data-driven decision-making.
Fiber to Data Centers: Enhancing Data Center Performance

Fiber to Data Centers: Enhancing Data Center Performance

In an age where data is essential to nearly every industry, the infrastructure that supports its seamless flow is critical. With the AI boom and technology advancing at warp speeds, […]
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New Cell Towers Are “Sub-Merging”

New Cell Towers Are “Sub-Merging”

As the FCC approves the Sprint and T-Mobile combination, the much-anticipated merger is looking rather unstoppable. The number third and fourth American mobile phone carriers are bringing change such as new cell towers… The expected merger is bringing along with it...

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5 Ways 5G Tech Could Better Your Life

5 Ways 5G Tech Could Better Your Life

The connectivity revolution is bringing opportunities and more possibilities than just faster video connections. 5G tech has the potential to revolutionize almost every aspect of our lives. Let’s take a deeper look at the top 6 ways 5g tech will have an impact on...

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Innovative Network Maps Could Prevent Flooding Tragedy

Innovative Network Maps Could Prevent Flooding Tragedy

The wettest month in Kansas recorded history was May 2019. The ground was oversaturated, reservoirs were over-flowing, and intense flooding became imminent. Fortunately, network maps and innovative mapping techniques could resolve future flooding issues. The lack of...

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What Are Solar Data Centers?

What Are Solar Data Centers?

There has been an obvious push to reduce emissions, carbon footprints, and other buzzwords associated with the greenhouse effect and global warming. As people turn to greener sources of energy, a new phrase has emerged in the telecommunications world - solar data...

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AI Trends in Various Industries

AI Trends in Various Industries

Technology needs to be adopted in industries across the board for companies to keep a competitive edge. Quite often, companies that do not innovate new practices tend to go bankrupt. Integrating technological advancements, such as location intelligence and artificial...

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FCC Approves New Telehealth Program

FCC Approves New Telehealth Program

As of July 10th, the Federal Communications Commission agreed to NPRM or a Notice of Proposed Rule Making for a Connected Care Pilot program which allocates $100 million of universal funds for connected care technologies with healthcare providers also known as a...

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How Edge Computing Affects Everything

How Edge Computing Affects Everything

Edge computing is the solution to various issues, such as cloud computing reaching its potential in technological advancements. What Is Edge Computing? At the start of the computing era, there was a single computer. In the Unix era, there were multiple computers...

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The Future of the Submarine Cable

The Future of the Submarine Cable

One of the most critical aspects of the telecommunication infrastructure is the underwater cable network. Technology trends such as artificial intelligence, faster connectivity with 5G, and machine learning all will have an impact on the submarine cable...

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How You Can Utilize Carrier Network Maps

How You Can Utilize Carrier Network Maps

There is a multitude of telecommunications carriers that are regulated by various agencies internationally. These companies operate on carrier network maps which disclose the infrastructure that belongs to the telecom service provider, i.e., AT&T, Verizon, etc....

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